Key terms#

Research Object (RO) - A method for the identification, aggregation, and exchange of scholarly information on the Web. This can include publications in different forms, software, data, and media.

Predatory Publishing - For-profit publishers that charge a publishing fee but provide few quality checks on the quality of the publication that would be expected from scholarly publications such as peer review or type-setting.

Preprint - A version of a paper prior to publication in a journal. This can be the author’s version of the accepted manuscript after peer review or a version prior to submission to a journal.

Preregistering - A practice by researchers who determine their analysis plan and data collection procedure before a study begins.

Persistent Identifiers - Long-lasting reference to a document, file, web page, or other digital object. It is usually used in the context of digital objects that are accessible over the internet. Most PIDs have a unique identifier that is linked to the current address of the metadata or content.

Reproducibility Crisis - The ‘reproducibility crisis’ in science is a growing concern over several reproducibility studies where previous positive results were not reproduced.

DOI - A digital object identifier is a persistent identifier’s handle used to uniquely identify various objects, standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Code of Conduct - A collection of rules and policies that outline the standards, principles, expectations, and morals for a particular group or organization. It is considered binding on any person who is a member of that group or organization. It can help employees align their behavior with the company’s values, support decision-making, and foster retention and loyalty.